Our Red Velvety Love

Food is the ingredient that binds us together. We belong to that category of people who loves to explore different cafes and restaurants. We basically have stimulating taste buds. Sometimes our stomachs also start protesting for putting excessive pressure on them. But who cares. According to us there is no sincere love than the love for FOOD.

My Pupu loves me just like a kid loves cake. This is the photograph of Red Velvet Cheese Wheel. My Pupu ordered this for me to express his immense love for his Pichku on the eve of Valentine's Day.

 We went to The Factory Outlet for lunch. It was a treat from my Pupu's side. The red velvet and mascorpone pin wheel served with blueberry coulis on a strawberry sauce painted base was not only an eye candy but also amazingly tasty. I was not able to remove my eyes from it. I was literally grabbing the plate and was totally engrossed in eating, when my Pupu clicked this photo.

 I love you my Pupu more than anyone else, even more than myself.
    Me with my Red Velvet Cheese Wheel
